Delight in Da Vinci at the Clos Lucé in France

Delight in Da Vinci at the Clos Lucé in France

The Perfect Side Trip in France:

Nestled in the town of Amboise, France, a true Renaissance time capsule exists for all ages to discover and explore. The Clos Lucé is dedicated to all things Leonardo Da Vinci.  But what was he doing in France?

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Part 3 of 3: French Chateau Trifecta: Chambord, the Granddaddy Chateau

Part 3 of 3: French Chateau Trifecta: Chambord, the Granddaddy Chateau

Trying to schedule seeing the most fabulous castles of the Loire Valley is tough...Is it possible to see them when you have limited time?  If you only have approximately 2-3 hours for each, then the answer is YES! Just make sure you are prepared...Personally, I would rather see a place on my list, even if it's rushed, than forever regret skipping it.

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French Chateau Trifecta Part 2 of 3: Chateau Royal d'Amboise: Surprises Everywhere!

French Chateau Trifecta Part 2 of 3: Chateau Royal d'Amboise: Surprises Everywhere!

Once in awhile, you just have to toss the guidebook and force yourself to trust your gut.  That is what I did with the Royal Chateau d’Amboise (Am ‘bwahzz).  Not that seeing this was a real gamble; I believe this majestic former fortress-turned-castle is underrated, yet still survives in the shadow of its chateau-sisters.  Other than a great view, I wasn’t sure what I would experience up on the ramparts, but I can say that everywhere you turn, a surprise seems to be waiting around the corner.  

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French Chateau Trifecta: Chenonceau, Chateau d'Amboise, & Chambord

French Chateau Trifecta: Chenonceau, Chateau d'Amboise, & Chambord

Sometimes...okay, all the time, when planning for trips, I look for opportunities to visit places that have been on my radar for a long time.  The Loire Valley has been enticing me for years to see its vineyards and several of its biggest treasures...Renaissance-Era Chateaus.

And I bet you’ve seen them in books or movies. They are iconic.  The stuff of fairy tales with their magnificent, white structures, rounded towers (turrets), and graceful gray/blue roofs.  They did not disappoint.  If you are planning a trip to Paris, a side trip of architectural castle-glory is waiting for you in the Loire Valley.  If you only have one day to spare, you could hop on an excursion tour from Paris.  Or, spend the weekend in/around Amboise via various transport options, and take it all in slowly.

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